Tag Archives: Christian business

As we prepare ourselves for Thanksgiving.

It’s that time of year again, ready or not, the HOLIDAYS are here. It seems that time is just flying by. Are you ready? Did you fix your house up for company? Have you been shopping for the house,  regular family food, decorations, and holiday food? It  can be exhausting,

Rushing all over to get everything right for one day, yes for one days celebration of Thanksgiving. Then the cleanup and leftovers and the cleanup again after the house guests leave. Whew, what a whirlwind of activity.

Did you leave some wiggle room in your busy schedule to get your hair done and maybe some skin care treatments at Hair Energy Salon? The stress of being too busy can wear on all of us. Take some time for yourself so you can take time with others. It will help you recharge your batteries.

Thanksgiving is a day to verbally express and demonstrate gratitude for all that you have received. It’s a day of blessings.

At Hair Energy Salon we want to wish everyone a blessed and gratifying Thanksgiving Day. A day to share with beloved family and friends. A day to give much thanks for all that we have. A day of retrospect. Let us keep giving thanks EVERY day not just the one day of the year.

Hair Energy Salon is looking forward to seeing you as you get ready for the upcoming Christmas Holidays. Surely you can use some extra special pampering by then, can’t you?

Call us for an appointment as we fill up fast at this time of year. We would love to meet you and treat you the way you want to be treated. We care about you.


Changes are Coming.


This time of year the weather changes. Summer giving way to Fall. Then Fall giving way to Winter, The time even changes we “fall back” an hour.

What about YOU? Are you ready for a change? The Summer beach and BBQ stuff is packed away, the sweaters and light jackets are brought out.

What are YOU doing for yourself? You and your home are in a transition right now. The time after Summer, after the start of school and before the holidays. A lulling peaceful feel good time. Not too hot not too cold. A time for YOU. Do something feel good for yourself. A new hairstyle, a new color or just a wash and blowout.

Treat yourself to a little kindness YOU deserve it. Call Hair Energy Salon for an appointment with just YOU in mind.

We treat everyone with a sense of uniqueness, remember YOU are very special to us and we show it.

Hair Energy Salon:
32950 US HWY 19,
Palm Harbor, Florida, 34684
Phone: (727)-785-9333
email: patricialero@energysalonbloghair.com


Regarding Labor Day


For us at Hair Energy Salon it was a day off from paid labors. Merriam- Webster,  defines labor as :” human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy (2) : the services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those rendered by entrepreneurs for profits”.

Mondays the salon is closed but I found that I should try to relax and reflect just like I try to do  on a Sunday. Time spent with family and honoring God in all things.

I am thankful for all those before me that have made this special day possible. Because as workers/laborers we all  have come a very long way and with quite the struggle to get this one very special legal holiday. I truly appreciate this time off and I hopefully have spent  it wisely.

We will be open our regular hours  beginning on Tuesday, feel free to make an appointment and be treated like you always wanted to be treated when in a salon. we listen to you, we hear what you have to say.

Feel free to contact us by using the form below or call as at 727-785-9333.

“Just because Day”

“Just Because Day.” is Saturday. So everyone try and do something JUST BECAUSE! If you are thinking of finally getting a new hairstyle or color this is a good time to do that “Just Because”.

If you want to find a place that has great hair, skin and nutritional products stop on by, “just because.” I have  very, kind, friendly, cordial, considerate employees that actually listens to what a client wants done with their hair and will do their best to accommodate the client unless they think it’s hazardous or will make the client look less than their very best.

Give us a try, call us and let’s see what we can do for you.

Call my shop to make an appointment and feel spunky “Just Because”, no more putting it off. Saturday’s the right day to do something for yourself, “Just Because”.

My shop Hair Energy Salon is at 32950 US Hwy 19 N, Palm Harbor, Florida, 34684.
Phone number is 727-785-9333.


We are HIRING!

We are HIRING!!! 

Hair Energy Salon in Palm Harbor, Florida has been BLESSED with a busy shop and waiting clientele. Do you now of anyone interested? I am searching for a HAIRSTYLIST(s). Please inbox me or call (727) 785-9333 for more information.




Back to School

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I know it’s still in the middle of a sweltering summer but some parents are thinking of back to school stuff to do, to get, to have done.
If you’re a parent of a school age child you might consider to start booking your hair care need appointments with us. We can get really busy at times and it’s a good idea to book well in advance of any special upcoming activities related to school, dances, proms, weddings, holidays or just any special occasion.

If you need the Pasco County Schools link here it is: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/calendar/

The Pinellas County schools link here:

Maybe you just want to get your own hair done to freshen up and make you feel good about that tan you might have been working on. Our appointments fill up fast.

What are we celebrating?

As we are getting ready to celebrate this great holiday let us give pause and reflect on what the day stands for.

It stands for freedom, independence, certain unalienable rights and patriotism. It was back in, July 1776 that deliberations were in progress to make America a great country.

Our great leaders at that time were willing to forfeit their lives and everything they owned to stand up for what they believed in. Many of them did lose everything and became bankrupt for their beliefs.

The tenacity of those men was so great, fierce in retrospect. Do we have that today? Are we remembering our beginnings? Do we give homage to our past?

Let’s take pride in America, the veterans and the soldiers that actively defend us, our rights, and the rights of others.

Have a moment of silence before the barbecue starts, the fireworks go off and the feasting begins. Let’s start a new tradition  this year.

God Bless America.

Welcome to Hair Energy Salon


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We are the go to place for hair cuts, hair styling, hair coloring and so much more. Men, women and children can come and get the hair styling that they were looking for and couldn’t get anywhere else.

Did you want a cut, color and style? No problem. How about a perm? How  about a few multi colors to go along with your multi layers? No problem.

Our professional stylists are kept up to date with  every thing that’s new. Hair Energy stylists keep up-to-date with new trends, techniques, and technologies by regularly attending hair shows and workshops. We sincerely believe in giving the utmost service to our clients.

We can also introduce  you to our line of Jeunesse skin care, Zen ultimate nutrition products. Jeunesse, and Zen products are known world wide. Our hair products are the renowned Deva-curl and Moroccan oil line of products.  Come in and  let me tell you what we can do just for YOU.

Stop by to visit us and meet our very cordial staff that is there to treat you with respect and listen to what your needs are. If you would like to contact us about any of our services or products please feel free to fill out the information below include your name, address, and phone number in the reply box.