Tag Archives: Labor Day

Regarding Labor Day


For us at Hair Energy Salon it was a day off from paid labors. Merriam- Webster,  defines labor as :” human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy (2) : the services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those rendered by entrepreneurs for profits”.

Mondays the salon is closed but I found that I should try to relax and reflect just like I try to do  on a Sunday. Time spent with family and honoring God in all things.

I am thankful for all those before me that have made this special day possible. Because as workers/laborers we all  have come a very long way and with quite the struggle to get this one very special legal holiday. I truly appreciate this time off and I hopefully have spent  it wisely.

We will be open our regular hours  beginning on Tuesday, feel free to make an appointment and be treated like you always wanted to be treated when in a salon. we listen to you, we hear what you have to say.

Feel free to contact us by using the form below or call as at 727-785-9333.