Tag Archives: Patty Lero

Happy Valentines Day

Valentines Day is such a very special day. A day filled with thinking of our loved ones.

If married then it’s the expression of love and commitment. A special night out, time for each other. If an  unmarried couple it’s a time of possible future promises. Maybe a proposal or a special engagement. If single it’s a time to look available and ready to date.

Either circumstance can be an exciting time. A time to primp and pamper oneself, to make oneself more attractive to the opposite sex. To be more comfortable with ourselves when in the company of that “Special Person”.

Why not come to Hair energy Salon for just that reason? To be pampered and spoiled and doted on by our staff? To go anywhere else could be a disappointment later on. We specialize in making our clients feel special. We can also help with your skin care needs or a makeup application. The choice is always yours. We listen to our clients and what they want.

Give us a try, call for an appointment and speak with one of our amazing staff specialists. You won’t be disappointed.

We are located at:

 32950 US Hwy 19 North
Palm Harbor, Florida

Call us: 727-785-9333

There’s plenty of parking available and a new Starbucks in the same shopping plaza. We are a newly renovated salon. Come on in and get spoiled.

Regarding Labor Day


For us at Hair Energy Salon it was a day off from paid labors. Merriam- Webster,  defines labor as :” human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy (2) : the services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those rendered by entrepreneurs for profits”.

Mondays the salon is closed but I found that I should try to relax and reflect just like I try to do  on a Sunday. Time spent with family and honoring God in all things.

I am thankful for all those before me that have made this special day possible. Because as workers/laborers we all  have come a very long way and with quite the struggle to get this one very special legal holiday. I truly appreciate this time off and I hopefully have spent  it wisely.

We will be open our regular hours  beginning on Tuesday, feel free to make an appointment and be treated like you always wanted to be treated when in a salon. we listen to you, we hear what you have to say.

Feel free to contact us by using the form below or call as at 727-785-9333.

Back to School

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I know it’s still in the middle of a sweltering summer but some parents are thinking of back to school stuff to do, to get, to have done.
If you’re a parent of a school age child you might consider to start booking your hair care need appointments with us. We can get really busy at times and it’s a good idea to book well in advance of any special upcoming activities related to school, dances, proms, weddings, holidays or just any special occasion.

If you need the Pasco County Schools link here it is: http://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/calendar/

The Pinellas County schools link here:

Maybe you just want to get your own hair done to freshen up and make you feel good about that tan you might have been working on. Our appointments fill up fast.

Welcome to Hair Energy Salon


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We are the go to place for hair cuts, hair styling, hair coloring and so much more. Men, women and children can come and get the hair styling that they were looking for and couldn’t get anywhere else.

Did you want a cut, color and style? No problem. How about a perm? How  about a few multi colors to go along with your multi layers? No problem.

Our professional stylists are kept up to date with  every thing that’s new. Hair Energy stylists keep up-to-date with new trends, techniques, and technologies by regularly attending hair shows and workshops. We sincerely believe in giving the utmost service to our clients.

We can also introduce  you to our line of Jeunesse skin care, Zen ultimate nutrition products. Jeunesse, and Zen products are known world wide. Our hair products are the renowned Deva-curl and Moroccan oil line of products.  Come in and  let me tell you what we can do just for YOU.

Stop by to visit us and meet our very cordial staff that is there to treat you with respect and listen to what your needs are. If you would like to contact us about any of our services or products please feel free to fill out the information below include your name, address, and phone number in the reply box.