What are we celebrating?

As we are getting ready to celebrate this great holiday let us give pause and reflect on what the day stands for.

It stands for freedom, independence, certain unalienable rights and patriotism. It was back in, July 1776 that deliberations were in progress to make America a great country.

Our great leaders at that time were willing to forfeit their lives and everything they owned to stand up for what they believed in. Many of them did lose everything and became bankrupt for their beliefs.

The tenacity of those men was so great, fierce in retrospect. Do we have that today? Are we remembering our beginnings? Do we give homage to our past?

Let’s take pride in America, the veterans and the soldiers that actively defend us, our rights, and the rights of others.

Have a moment of silence before the barbecue starts, the fireworks go off and the feasting begins. Let’s start a new tradition  this year.

God Bless America.

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